Friday, July 13, 2007

The winds of change are upon America,the tension is palpable,rest brings strange dreams,daylight brings even stranger reality.
This must be how a small child feels when it's parents are unreliable.The thing that holds your world together,that you trust implicitly,is crazy, wrong, off kilter.One slowly realizes that you are the parent,must give care to those who would care for you.One does what is required. Does what one must,but slowly resentment, even hate builds up over time at lost childhood,lost joys the, loss of innocence.
We the people have been betrayed.We have been betrayed by this administration.We have betrayed ourselves everytime we say"My vote doesn't count" or "I don't care" .This nation is only as great as it's people.We are tired, we feel hopeless,as if we are on a out of control roller coaster.Rather than assign blame on our leaders,our selves, we cry "Neo~con"or "liberal".Rather than do the hard work of compromise,negotiation,we vilify ,we lower our debate to personal defects.
In our DNA runs the genetics of those brave enough to face a king,a despot, a mad man,the Great Depression,poverty,disease and hopelessness.We can call on those qualities again.We can again face the world in a spirit of co-operation ,not manifest destiny.We can be a beacon of hope,not a swampland of despair.
There is much work ahead of us,we will reach out,try sometimes our efforts will fail,at other times we will succeed.A shining city on a hill was once a dream of our founding fathers.It remains a dream.But America can improve, move forward.We can look to each other as sisters,brothers divided by many things but bound together as one people.
There is a new day coming,a change is in the air.The world is watching us,let us give then and ourselves reason to HOPE.

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